Welcome to the New Site!

Howdy guys! For those of you who have actually been to this site in the past, you might've noticed I've done a little bit of housecleaning. I've completely overhauled my personal site so that folks can find my artwork all in one place just a little easier, including putting all my comics in one easy convenient place to read. There's still a bit of work that still needs to be done to the site, including figuring out a situation for arranging all my stuff I have for sale, but as I prep for TCAF this May, that might just have to go ahead and sit on the back burner for the time being.

Additionally, I wanna start blogging here more! I feel like in the recent past, a lot of what I have to say and share with y'all goes straight to Twitter, which, let's face it, pretty much destroys any creative writing. This isn't me dunking on Twitter at all, but I'd like to hope this blog serves as a better place to share what's on my mind, posts about my working process, and give you guys updates on what's new with me and where you can find me for upcoming events and other things.

This could also be a cool way to try and stay more in touch with my fans in regards to things like questions and the like. I'll go ahead and allow comments on these blogs, so please don't make me regret that and play nice! And don't forget that if you ever want to reach out, I've set up a handy-dandy contact form on my site that does all the work for you to contact me as efficiently as possible.

So with that in mind, I hope you'll keep an eye on this space as I'll have tons of things to share with y'all and this is my way of going right ahead and putting my best foot forward.

Thanks for reading and thanks to all my fans, both new and old who have helped make my small art career so far more successful than I could've ever imagine.

Much love,